Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Do you ever feel frustrated and just can't point at the reason? That was me today. All day I've felt frustrated and kind of mad...I didn't know why, even though there are several things worrying me, none are that great to make me feel such frustration.

SO...I decided to list the good things in my life and thank God for what He does in me.

I should be happy for...
- My family.
- My health.
- My job (even though lately I've felt like running out of there.)
- My God. Being able to trust HIM has no price.
- Ruben.
- New goals looking closer than before.
- The country I live in.
- The freedom I have to worship, to go anywhere at anytime.
- My car.
- Having money to put gas.
- My clothes and shoes.
- A roof over my head.
- Food to eat and even chose from.
- A warm bed.
- The hope that I feel in my heart.
- The Joy of the Lord.

And the list can go on and on.

Don't worry about anything. Count your blessings. Leave the rest to HIM.

"Cast thy burden upon the LORD,
and he shall sustain thee..." Psalms 55:2

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